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New Clubhouse

New Clubhouse Development


Click here to read our latest update on the clubhouse development. The Trojans Club wants to be the leading amateur sports club in the region, ensuring a vibrant community where people will always find a wonderful welcome. Our clubhouse is an essential component, providing the shared space where our members and a wider community can mix irrespective of different sporting interests.

Whilst the current facility holds memories and has hosted many special events and moments for us all, the time has come where we need something more modern and fit for purpose.

The club has been working very hard over recent years to deliver a fantastic new clubhouse that will serve Trojans and friends for the next 50 years. The good news is we are now coming into the final straight, with very positive pre-planning discussions, and having secured funding support for c. £725k via a combination of grants from Eastleigh and Test Valley Borough Councils.

We have carried out a survey of members reviewing options for additional funding from the membership, and carried out a topographical survey of the club, and appointed some architects to work with us.

Donate to rebuild the Clubhouse

In order to rebuild our clubhouse we need to raise additional funds. This will be from a variety of sources, including grants and loans, but we also need donations from the club's members. All donations will be ring-fenced for the Clubhouse Redevelopment Project.

We can accept donations by Direct Debit, Credit/Debit Card, or by Bank Transfer, and you have the option to make regular or one-off donations. Please choose your preferred payment method below.

Monthly Direct Debit donation

Please choose the amount of your donation below. Your payment will be processed by GoCardless.


The Trojans Club Limited​

​VAT number: 310 135 664

Company Number: 11517194

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